Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I am back from trip to New York

Oh my!! What a fun time I had on my trip to The Big Apple. My friend Jane was a great hostess. We done and saw so much. The first day that we arrived at Janes in Newburgh we had lunch at The Fireside Grill on the shores of the Hudson River and then we walked along the sidewalks on the banks of the river. It was a beautiful walk with all kinds of rose bushes and flowers. Then we went to Jane's house and what a great hostess. We unpack our bags and had a great steak dinner. We done some crafting and look through some of Jane's books of ATCS. She had over a thousands ATCS. To bed we went as we had jet lag and we were tired also as we had to get up at 5 A.M. that morning to be at the airport 2 hrs. before take off. Our flight was great , no terrist thank goodness.

Monday the next day Jane had a great luncheon for us. She had 6 of her friends over for us to meet. All of her friends were crafters of some kind of crafts. We met one of our group member on the internet that does scrapbooks and she had her scrapbooks to show and tell about how she does those books. Also Jane's friend had a beautiful quilt that she showed us that she had made in 3 months time. She also makes beautiful greeting cards. Jane also showed us how to make a pull out card and we made the cards. We all had such a good time and the food was delicious.

Tuesday we got on the train to go into New York City. The train ride was wonderful it rode along the banks of the Hudson River. It took about an hour to get into Grand Central Station. We took a scary cab ride to our Hotel The New Yorker. This was my first time to be in New York city and I couldn't believe all of the traffic and people. So many cabs and the way the cab drivers would drive. I was kind of uneasey riding in the cabs LOL. We arrived at our hotel and had a wonderful suite and a great view from our window in the living room. We could see the Empire state building and all of the other tall buildings and all of the people on the sidewalks. We were on the 24th floor. It was a beautiful site at night time with all of the lights and the Empire all lighted up. We got ready to go to see The Phantom Of The Opera. We took another scarey ride in a cab to it. Oh it was a great show the costumes and musice was wonderful and so colorful. The acting was also great. The Majestic theater was beautiful inside. I wished we had taken our camera to the theater to make pictures of the inside of it but we thought we couldnt take our cameras inside but we could but couldnt make pictures during the show. We had seats four row back from the stage and it was great to be so close to the play. After the play we had a bite to eat and returned to our hotel. A great day in the Big Apple.

Wednesday we had breakfast and off we went on our tour bus to the Empire building. We were searched just like at the airport to enter the Empire building. We went all the way up to the orbervation tower which is 86 floors up. A great view from the tower. We made some great pictures. And of course had to buy some souvenirs. We then went to China Town and Little Italy. China Town is the second largesst China Town to China Town In Californa. We walked and walked the streets of China Town and jewed the markets down on their prices. I bought a watch and other things that we jewed down the prices which we were told to do. We got back to the Hotel and boy I was so tired. We had dinner and rested and then went to bed as we were all so tired.

Thursday we hopped on the tour bus again after a good breakfast and off we went to get on the Ferry to go to Liberty Island to see statue of Libby. It was a beautiful ride on the ferry and a beautiful island. We walked all around the Statue of Liberty and made pictures of the island and our lady Liberty. It was a hot walk and had ice cream to cool off. We bought more souvenirs of the grand lady and the island. We then took the ferry back to the city and boarded the tour bus again. We saw where the towers stood on the awful day of nine eleven. It was so heart breaking to me that I had cold chills. There was a fense full of tiles that children had made in schools all over the world in memory of Nine Eleven vitoms, over a thousand of the tiles that was on the fence. We got off at Central Park and took a carriage ride through the park. All kind of flowers and trees a very beautiful park and the carriage ride was great. By the time we done all of our site seeing it was getting late and we had to get back to the hotel and pick up our luggage to board the train back to Janes house. We got back to her house at nine p.m and her husband met us at the train station. Boy we were so tired we had ice cream and then hit the bed. It had rained that night and a cold front came in and the temperture dropped to 44 . It was really cold and damp and wind blowing hard.

Friday morning we went to Mohonk Castle. Mohonk Castle is a resort on a beautiful mountain. Jane had made reservations for lunch there for a lunch outside on the lake. We had a great meal of barbeque ribs, yams and all kind of salad and vegs and deserts. It was beautiful place with a beautiful hotel like a castle and the flower garden was beautiful with every kind of flowers you could name. Beth hiked up to the top of the mountain and Jane and I sat by the lake as I wasnt able to do the hiking. We left the Castle and went into a little village shops and we shopped until we dropped LOL. We got back to Jane's house and we were so tired that we order a pizza and then we had to pack our bags for Saturdays flight back home. Oh we did hate the thought of having to leave Jane and New York. We had such a wonderful time with Jane and site seeing in New York but we knew the time had come for us to leave.

We left for Nashville at 8:58 A.M. and arrived at 12 in Nashville. Beths husband met us at the airport. We have great memories of our trip to Janes and our days in New York. We will post some pictures of our trip soon in our blogs and we plan on making a scrapbook of our trip. We will always treasure the trip to New York and will never forget it.
Granny Lottie

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New York Here We Come!!!!!

Well it is about time for Beth and I to go and see Jane in New York. Today is Wednesday June 12th. We will fly out of Nashville June 17th at 6:40 CDT and arrive in Newburgh N.Y. where Jane lives just about hour from the Big Apple. We will arrive in Newburgh at 1:45 EDT. She said she is taking us to the river for lunch. I can hardly wait to get there. I have already started packing my suitcase LOL. I always pack too much clothing that I want wear but I guess that is a woman for you LOL! Jane has really worked hard on plans for Beth and I. She is having a luncheon and craft meeting Monday for us. Then Tuesday we will take the train into N.Y. City. She has already made reservation for us to stay at The Plaza Hotel right across from Madison Square Garden. Ashley her daughter will meet us and that night Jane, Ashley ,Beth and I will go see Phanton of the Opera. Wednesday we will go site seeing and shop. We will take the train back to Janes house on Thursday. Friday we will go and have lunch at The Castle in the woods. Saturday we will fly back to Nashville Boo!Hoo! I will post some pictures in here of our trip to Janes when we get back. I know we are going to have a lot of fun with Jane. She is a very dear friend of ours. I made her a surprise package to take to her. I hope that I can do all of the walking to see the sites. I am taking my walker and my cane. My walker has a seat that lets down and when I need to rest I will just flop down and let Beth and Jane stand LOL. Oh might take turns with them to use my walker seat if they are real good to me, which I know they will help me out a lots. Beth is so good when we go anywhere she always watches after me so I dont fall.

I have really been busy this week trying to get my art swaps out and in the mail. Beth took me Monday to the eye Dr. to get my eyes checked out. I will get new glasses after I come back from N.Y. Monday night I burned the midnight oil so I was able to finish all of my swaps and Round Robin cards. I had 30 R.R to add something to and send them on to someone else. Tuesday I cleaned my art room up. It was a mess trash all on the floor and couldnt see my desk top for all of the brushes,paints, stamps and cardstock. It really looks nice and neat today but my husband said it wouldnt stay that way longLOL!!! It will stay neat until I get back and start on my arts again. Today I cleaned house and been pittling around in here and decided I would write in my blog even if no one ever looks at it. Beth said no one looks at mine because I never go into their blogs. She may have something there as I have been so busy that I havent gone into other blogs.
Sorry about that, hope you will forgive me will try to do better. Tomorrow I go to get my hair fixed, my nails done and a pedicure done on my ugly feet. Friday Beth and I are going to the Funeral home. Our dear close friend in Sassy Stampers a stamping club that we belong to had a massive heart attack and died. She was just 53 yrs. old. She went into the hospital to have a hernia removed and had the heart attack. She was a dear friend and we will miss her so much. I am really worried about her Mom as she is really taking it hard. The family is very close knitted family and such a shock to them. I think Beth posted a picture of her in her blog.

My son is coming in Friday night to stay with Dad while I am gone. I didnt want to leave my hubby by himself as he has real bad dibetes. His blood sugar can drop real low and he goes into a seigure. I had him in the ER a month ago from this. He has had 2 mini strokes and doesnt walk all that great as his balance is off. Robbie his son is so good to come all the way from Oklahoma to stay with him. I have 2 sons and Beth and my hubby has 3 boys. Beth and Robbie helps us out so much, I dont know what we would do without them. Our other children lives in Alabama,Georgia and Oklahoma.

Well guess I have rattled off enough in here and guess it is a boring blog but that is my life except next week I will be kicking up my heels in the Big Apple!!!!!!!!!!!
Granny Lottie

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

May 15,2007

Hi, I dont know why I even bother to post in here as no one ever read my blogs. But it is one way to get things off of my mind. I guess my blog is not very exciting enough for anyone to read it. I know it is the "same ole same" but I do live a dull life. But what do you exspect of "A Seventy-eight year old Granny"????

As I stated in the above not much going on in my life. I did enjoy Mothers Day very much. My daugher gave me a pretty plant and she put out my flowers in my flower beds and help me do my baskets on the deck. My deck looks so pretty!!!! My son in GA sent me a Michael certificat I know that I can put to use. My son in Alabama and his wife came up to see me and brought me a bamboo chimes and all different colors of candle wax in a jar. My son also went to barbeque place and bought barbeque and slaw and works to go with it for lunch. He didnt want me to cook on mother day. My grandaughter also called me that night and my son in Ga. also called me. A very good day that I enjoyed so much.

I am looking forward to my trip to New York. Beth and I will be flying in a month to see our dear friend Jane. Jane has really planned an iteninery for us. Jane lives in upper New York stae and we will take a train into NY city on Tues and see Phanton of the Opera and site seeing on Wednesday and back to her house on Thursday and she will take us site seeing in Newburgh where she lives. I can hardly wait for June to come and get away for awhile. I will make a lot of pictures and if this darn blog will let me upload them I will do so. I havent been able to figure out how to upload pictures yet, but maybe my daughter Beth can do it.

I am caught up in all of my art swaps. I guess I will work on my shipping tags book that I am hosting for June first. It is hard to stay inside of my studio when it is so pretty outside. I just want to sit outside on my deck and watch the yellow finchs on their bird feeder that we have for them. They are so pretty. I have tried to make a picture of them but they fly away if I get too close to them. We have had a few hummingbird also. I need to fill my feeders up for the humming birds. They have been getting nectar from all of my hanging baskets. It is so pretty here today and the temperture is very nice just in the seventies. Oh I do want to go outside but guess I will finish my tags for Summer Fun shipping tag book.

Hope I havent bore any of you with this blog.

Monday, April 30, 2007


Trying again to load pictures LOL


Here are some of my pictures of my art work.

April 30,2007

It is finally summer I hope so. I have been real busy today. I thought I better clean my house. I done that the first thing this morning. I was through cleaning by noon. I havent been doing anything excited this past week. A good friend of mine passed away with lung cancer. I went to the funeral home and also took food to her daughters house and stayed and prepare the food and clean up the kitchen. I will sure miss my friend. She was a dear friend and a hard working woman of 74 years old.

I did get Colleens tip in pages done for her book. They turned out fairly good as I am just learning to collage. I done the pages in Vintage women and musicians. I have several more trades to do now. I am going to try cabinet cards next. Hope I am able to do these. I have been looking at some pictures of cabinet cards.

Well tomorrow will be the first of May. Just a month and a half before Beth and I leave to go see our dear friend Jane in Newburgh N.Y. I am really looking forward to seeing her and New York city. June the 17th is the day we fly out to Newburgh. It will be here before we realize it.

I am looking forward to putting some more flowers out and more hanging baskets when Beth gets done in her yard. She will come up and help me put out some flowers. My dh has the planters all ready with gravel and we will sit pots around in the beds. It is so much easier for us to do this as we arent able to pull weeds and the plastic under the gravels keeps the weeds out of the gravel beds on each side of the deck steps. I need about four more hanging baskets for my deck and also some pots with flowers to sit around on the deck. I hope Beth gets through with her planting today as she is off from work today. Maybe we can do some of mine this coming week. We have to go to our DRI stamping work shop this saturday so I guess it will be Saturday week.

Well just thought I post a little bit and try to load some pictures in here of my tip in pages.
Have a good day.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hope you haven't forgotten me dear friends

Hi all, yes I finally decided I had to change over to Google as I couldn't get into my blog. I know it has been ages since I have posted in here. I have been so busy that I just didn't take the time to change over. But here I am trying to post what all has gone on since I last posted.

I had another birthday in February it was a wonderful birthday. I received over 50 cards from all of my friends in all of the different clubs that I belong to. My two sisters came out to celebrate our birthdays as we all was borne in February. As I once told you we are called The Golden Girls, but the oldest golden girl ended up in the ER. She was very dizzy and heart rate was 170. She is doing fine now. Our celebration was cut short as she stayed in the hospital for 3 days. No we didnt have any Bloody Marys LOL. My friends in ATC Group made me a beautiful shipping tag book for my birthday as they called me The Shipping Tag Queen LOL.

March has been a very cold and rainy days. The only good days were the days that Beth and I went to Tunica and I know that she told this in her blog also. But I just had to say it again I hit the Jackpot and won $5000.00. This will be spent for our trip to see Jane in New York our dear friend. We are leaving June 17 and will be back June 23. Jane has planned so much for us to do while we are there. We are going into New York city for two days and will see Phanton of the Opera and sight see. I am really looking forward to our trip to New York with Beth. We always have such a good time on our trips. Beth is my wonderful daughter and friend also.

I had an awful scare with my husband night before last. His blood sugar dropped down and he had a seigue and had to call 911. The EMTS worked with him and gave him sugar through IV and by the time he had arrived at ER he was to himself. Beth was there for me and my neighbors also came and help me. Dont know what I would do without my Beth and my Neighbors. No I want leave him alone as I am afraid his blood sugar will drop again as his kidneys are going downhill fast due to his dibetic condition. I am afraid that he will have to go on the kidney machine forgot the term for it LOL. His son is coming from Oklahoma to stay with him while I am going to NY. His son is so good to come and help us out. He came and got his Dad and took him back to Oklahoma to spend two weeks with him and his brother back in March. I dont know what we would do without his son and Beth.

Well I guess this just about tells all that has happened in my life for past couple of months. Just the same ole same ole. Thank goodness it has turned warm here and Beth and I went to plant nursey yesterday and I bought 6 hanging baskets full of flowerw to hang on my deck. Beth spent the night with me last night and we sone some art projects and she went home this morning to work in her yard and put all her flowers out in flower beds. She has a beautiful yard full of flowers and yes she has a green thumb. She always comes every spring and does my flower beds as I am not able to do all of the planting. This old back and leg want let me, I use to do it all and I so enjojed it so much and miss not being able to dig in the dirt and put out flowers. It is awful to hit the Golden Years I think they should leave the G off of Golden and have Olden Years LOL.

Goodnight all and hope I havent bored you too much. See you later and will try to post some pictures later.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Been Busy as a Bee

Gee, I cant believe that I haven't posted in here since January 14. I have been a very busy old lady. I have finally caught up in all of my art projects as of tomorrow. I have made a lot of ATCS,Quilt Squares, birthday cards. I am making my two sisters an albumn of us three. We were all born in the month of February and our family calls us The Golden Girls. We always get together to celebrate our birthdays. I have gone back and found pictures of us from the time we were little girls until now the present time. I bought three albums at a Craft Fair last year. They ore wooden covers and I put Gesson on them and then two layers of metalic gold paint. With letters on the front cover Goldens Girls. I hope they will like these Albums. I will make a picture of these later on. February is a busy month for me in making birthday cards and gifts. My daughter Beth was borne Fe15, my son Feb3, my two sister Feb 3, and 10th. My daughter inlaw also in February. I always try to make them something to give to them. And of course I was borne in Februaryk also. I have also been busy hosting a valetime shipping tags book. I am now trying to put the book together and mail out to the 12 gals that sent 12 tags in for the book.

I may go down to Beths house friday night and we will do more art projects. We have such a good time working in our arts together. You know two heads are better than one. I will go if we dont have any more snow here. It is just cold here now 26.

Beth and I met Rosie last thursday in Franklin, Tenn at Hobby Lobby and we shopped until we got hungry. Rosie treated us to Mexican Lunch. We had a lot of fun shopping and eating. Rosie you are a dear and thanks so much for the lunch.

Theres not much going on in my life, just the same ole same ole. I have gotten some relief from having a nerve block done on my back two weeks ago. Went to my doctor today and he was so glad that I had gotten relief from the awful pain. I can shop more now LOL.

I am so tired of this darn old cold weather. I will be so glad "When Spring Has Sprung". I hate the months of January and February and Old Arhtur hates it too. I will be glad to see March roar in like a lion. My husband is planning on going out to Oklahoma to see his sons in March. Beth will be off for spring break the week he is going and Beth and I may just take a little trip to the mountains or Tunica. I am hoping my old leg and back will be doing ok for me to go. We are also planning on going to see our Friend Jane in New York this June if my old leg with let me.

It is getting late now and I need to hit the sack. I will post some pictures later on this week of some of my arts.

Stay warm and nite

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I done it!!!!!

Glory be I think my pictures are in my blog. Will see if they are LOL.

I done it!!!!

Pictures of some my art

Going to try again.

Saturday January 14,3007

It is a gloomy old day. The sun isnt shinning and it puts me kinda out of sorts. I have been cleaning this house some today as it really needed it bad. I have been so busy trying to catch up in my art swaps that I just forgot about house work. I hate house work anyway much rather do my arts. I guess at my age house work and cooking soon gets old to you and sometimes just care if the house gets cleaned or not. But I do clean it anyway LOL. I hate cleaning the bathrooms and that is a job that is needed every day or so. I dont do windows !!!! just toilets!!!!!

I am going down to Beths house tomorrow to get away for a little while and I will spend the night with her. We are planning on working on our art projects. She will come after me as we are suppose to have a bad stormy rainy day tomorrow and I dont drive in rain. It is to turn colder after the rain. Beth is hoping the rain will turn into snow and I will get snowed in at her house and she want have to go to work. Dream on Beth!!!!

I am going to try to post some pictures of some of my arts that I have been working on this past week. If not successful in doing so I will just give up on trying to post the pictures in here. So keep your fingers crossed that I will be able to do so. If not maybe when Beth comes up here she can do the job for me.

Hope every one has a good weekend. I know I will at Beths!!!!
Granny Lottie

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

January 9,2007

Hello, just thought I would drop in for awhile. It is 11:15 P.M. I really need to hit the sac but not really sleepy. I have been really working in my arts this week and last week. I have made a lot of ATCS cards for swaps that I sign up for and also made a Birthday Card. I will start on making the covers for the Valentine Shipping Tags Books that I am hosting in a group. We have made the Fall Shipping Tags Book and The Christmas Shipping Tags book. They have all turned out so pretty. Our next shipping tags book will be Spring and then Summer. There are usually 10 that signs up for these swaps so that mean 20 covers to make for the books and put the pages together that are sent to me which are 110 pages. I really enjoy doing these books and dont mind doing them as I get to see all of the books after they are put together. It is so much fun to see all of the great art work as we have so many great artist in this group.

The weather is something more here. It rained yesterday and today it has turned cold here. The wind has really been blowing something awful. In Nashville they had a few snow flakes and a little sleet but didnt stick to the ground. It will get down in the 20s tonight. Good night to snuggle LOL. Not much going on in my life just the same old same old day in and day out. I did go to my back Dr. this past monday and I will have a nerve blockage next Wednesday week. That isnt too much fun as they inject steroids into my spine to block a nerve that spine is closing up on the nerve. It is just about all they can do for me. It does relieve the pain but doesnt cure the Spinal Stenoises Disease that I have in my spine column. The injection does give me about 4 months of pain reliefs. Just glad that they can do that for me. Well so much for the latest on my health.

I would love to post some of my arts in here but I dont have much success in doing so. Maybe when Beth comes up here she can post some for me. I just cant get the hang on how to do all of this blogging. Beth is so smart and can do most everything in here. I have tried to post some pictures and some came up ok but some didnt come up. Guess I need to take some lessons on blogging. I have tried to go and read some of the blogs but not very successful in doing that either.

Guess I better hit the sac now. Nite to all and have a good Month Of January.
Granny Lottie