Thursday, September 28, 2006


I see that my pictures didn't upload. Sorry about that. Nothing new going on in my life just the "same old same old". Oh my, I was tagged by my daughter Beth and I don't know what I am to do. I guess I will just wait until tomorrow night when she takes us to see Ray Price and spends the night with us. I will get her to show me what to do. I am dumb when it comes to blogging LOL. I finished making a Christmas Tin for a swap that I am hosting. It turned real pretty. I also finished putting the eyelets in the shipping tag books covers that I am hosting. I had to make 14 covers back and front as there are 14 gals that signed up for this swap. I have received all of the 14 except 5 gals. With my daughter help we will put the books together and mail each one a book no later than middle of October. Beth is so good in helping me with the swaps that I host and just wanted to let everyone know that she helps in these swaps. She and I work together on all of our art works. We have more fun doing this together. I finished my quilt page for another group and mailed it off also. I have the tin and 2 chunky pages to mail today and I guess I will start on my October arts that are dued in October.

I have been going to physical theraphy 3 times a week for my back and balance in my walking. Boy the theraphist really gives me a work out but at the end she really massage my back and leg.That is the best part of it. So far I think the theraphy is helping me. I have just had 4 sessions. I am so tire when I get back from the workout that I just sit for awhile and go through magazines and sometime nap LOL.

I am really looking forward to going tomorrow night to see Ray Price. He is one of my favorite singer of the older country music stars. I love his voice and I am hoping maybe some of the older stars will show up and surprise him in his concert.

Well I have been up since five this morning just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So I just got up turned the coffee on and came in here to do some writting in my blog. Guess this is all folks will try to upload pictures of the tin,quilt and golden girls.
Have a good day!!!!


vicci said...

Lottie...Have fun going to see Ray Price...I wake up early all the time...can't go back to sleep...yuk! Tell "Bethie" hi for me!

Daisy Lupin said...

Lottie, what a wonderfully busy person you are, I do so admire how busy you keep yourself and how you just take it in your stride when you can't sleep and get up and make yourself busy. You are a gem.